Based on APTFI's provisions to complete the Professional Pharmacist Program, program participants are required to take a minimum of 30 credits. PSPA FMIPA Udayana University requires 36 credits of compulsory courses that must be taken by students for 2 semesters. The basic principle of the lecture block consists of 6 basic courses where activities are carried out in the form of lectures and are completed within half a semester in the first semester of pharmacist professional education. Then in the next half semester is a transition where there is a phase 1 practice block which begins with comprehensive learning activities in the field of pharmaceutical and industrial services which aim to bridge theory in lectures and work practices that will be carried out. Comprehensive learning is planned to involve lecturers and practitioners together as a support team. Then proceed to PKPA BPOM and PKPA Traditional Health Services. In semester 2, full practice activities are carried out, namely PKPA which includes all pharmaceutical work that can be carried out based on competency standards, namely Pharmacy Distribution, Industry, Hospitals, Pharmacies and Health Centers with a total of 18 credits.