Briefing on Traditional Health Service Internship Activities Academic
Traditional health services are treatment and/or treatment with methods and drugs that refer to empirically hereditary experiences and skills that can be accounted for and applied in accordance with the norms prevailing in society. Based on the regulation of the Minister of Health, there are traditional health services that are empirical and some are integrative. In integrated traditional health services, traditional health services are carried out in an integrated in a health care facilities where this activity is carried out jointly between traditional health workers and other health workers for patient treatment/care.
Pharmacists who are part of health workers, are one of the professions that can take part in the implementation of integrated traditional health services as part of the implementing team in their competence as health workers who have knowledge in the traditional health field, especially in traditional medicines. One type of service in traditional health services is service with ingredients that use traditional medicinal preparations, both those that already have a distribution permit and their own concoction of traditional medicines, including providing information on the proper use of these traditional medicines. These two things are one of the skills possessed by a pharmacist. With the implementation of internship in Traditional Health Services, Pharmacists Professional Program students can increase their understanding of the implementation of traditional health services, especially in the preparation and production of traditional medicinal preparations used for traditional health services and providing information on the use of traditional medicines. So that it can increase its competence in the field of production and service of traditional medicines which is one of the missions of the Pharmacists profession study program.
Traditional Health Service internship activities were carried out at the Traditional Health Service Unit at Bangli Hospital. The briefing activity was carried out by the Deputy Director for Services, dr. Ari Susanti and the head of the Yankestrad unit, dr. A.A Gede Putera who is a doctor with clinical experience in herbal medicine. The activity was continued by directly visiting the Yankestrad unit at the Bangli Hospital. In this activity, students were accompanied by the Pharmacist Professional study program Coordinator apt. Luh Putu Febryana Larasanty, M.Sc. and a team of internship supervisors Dr. apt. Ni Putu Eka Leliqia, M.Si.